Summer loving?
Everyone loves the summer time, right?
Well, actually that's not true. For people with a negative body image the summer weather can be triggering, creating feelings of anxiety, insecurity and low mood. We are bombarded in the media by images of perfect figures and encouraged to diet and exercise in order to find our "beach body". The pressure is enough to make anyone feel dissatisfied and inadequate.
I wonder how we might feel more confident about who we are if the messages we heard about food and exercise were about fuel and health rather than the way we look. Did you know there really is no such thing as "bad" food. Of course there are some foods that are healthier to eat less of but actually these foods still form a really important part of our diet and should be included. Imagine driving a car with little or no fuel, how well would that work out? How many of us notice and celebrate who we are inside as well as how we look on the outside? What really makes positive relationships? Is it the size of our body or the way we relate to others? So often, the way we look at and talk to to ourselves is key.
The BBC conducted an experiment ( to look into the way we talk to ourselves, pairing strangers to explore how self talk might be received by another. It's a powerful watch, and so true. Most people would never speak to a stranger the way we speak to ourselves. So why do we do it?
What might happen if for just one day you made a deal with yourself to notice the positive and commend yourself on the good stuff. Imagine the things you would say to your best friend and start saying them to yourself. What's the worst that can happen? What would happen if you focused on the good stuff for a week, a month, a year?
I reckon you'd probably feel happier. A bit less anxious. A lot less judged.
So why not give it a shot?
Life is short. Live don't just exist.
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