Growth Mindset

Everything seems to be growing at this time of year. Whether it is the blossom on the trees, new shoots peeping through damp soil or the impatient squawking of baby birds waiting to be fed, Spring is synonymous with growth. Children seem to take growth in their stride, changing so quickly from the helplessness of a newborn they learn quickly about the world around them. Infants are innately curious, soaking up their experiences like a sponge. In fact I can't think of any other time in life when we grow and develop so rapidly. What an amazing time of excitement and wonder! When brought up in a loving environment, children are not afraid to take first steps or to ask for their needs to be met instead change and transformation occur naturally. Yet as we get older, transformation gets more difficult. Our fears whisper to us that change is scary and that failure is all we can expect. For some people this stops growth. They may believe that they have learned everything they can and ...